Why Bay Street Hoops Supports Sports
February 3, 2015

Bay Street Hoops supports KidSport Ontario & the Drive for Dreams foundation, both of which make sports accessible for children and youth in Toronto. It has been proven that playing sports allows children to develop both mentally and physically.
Here are some of the benefits of playing basketball:
1. Playing Basketball Improves Motor Skills
Learning to play basketball involves dribbling, throwing, catching and pivoting. Starting at a young age, playing basketball improves motor skills by using major muscle groups and improving hand-eye coordination, flexibility and endurance.
2. Playing Basketball Aids Psychological Development
Team sports teach youth to better communicate and solve basic problems. Playing on a team allows children to make friends and feel more confident and connected to their peer group. While on a team, children pick-up social skills and coping strategies that are useful at school, home and in peer relationships.
3. Playing Basketball is Fun!
Children are active, enthusiastic and endearing, just throw them a basketball and watch them happily play on the court!
Every year, scores of children participate in the Bay Street Hoops Kids Clinic. Open to children of Hoops tournament players, this free clinic is designed to teach kids aged 6-12 basketball basics. If you are interested in having your child participate in the kids clinic please email info@baystreethoops.com
Nurjan Manji
First Year BSH Committee Member
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